May 28, 2011

Poetic Writing...A learning process

I recently read the writings of a few poets and was impressed with their poetic abilities. I also took note of the various forms of poetry they created. Many of which I was unfamiliar with, which isn’t odd considering I have only worked in a couple of forms. So I am making an effort to expand into other forms of poetry.

Also in an effort to improve my creative writing I just purchased Three Great American Poets and plan to spend time reading and studying the writings of these poets.

Now for some of my writing:

Below is a Tanka, and the second one is another Haiku.

Lost deep in my thoughts,
In search of inspiration,
I pick up my pen,
And transfer the images,
To the paper before me.

Always she loved me.
I weep and place the flowers.
Rest in peace mother.

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