May 29, 2011

Rough Poetry

Some of the poetry I write is going to be a little rough.  I know it could use some editing, but for my sake in order to keep writing, and stay consistent on my blog, I'm trying to put up poems or stories shortly after writing them.  The following short poem is one I wrote while sitting at a coffee shop yesterday.  I'm trying to spend more time out of the house, sitting around with my journal and reflecting on the thoughts in my head.

What is it I have done this time,
To deserve your lasting silence?
I'm trying to communicate with you,
But my attempts go unanswered.

Was I not quick enough to respond,
When you first sought my advice?
Or was it the advice I gave,
Which has now stifled your words?

Are you now consumed with guilt,
For letting your barriers fall?
And is the echo in your silence,
Your conscience calling out to you?

I know I must reap what I have sown,
And I wish to reconcile; but please tell me,
What is it I have done this time,
To deserve your lasting silence?

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